When a child enters foster care, a trash bag is often used to hold their personal belongings? A Journey Bag can help a child feel loved and not forgotten during a very difficult time in their life.

Journey bags

What is a journey bag?

 Journey Bags consist of a diaper bag, backpack, or duffle bag filled with basic necessities for a child as well as some fun items/comfort items. They all include socks, underwear, pajamas, hygiene/self-care items, along with age-appropriate toys, books, journals, and comfort items. We also like to include encouraging notes to the children and foster parents.

how can i be involved?

  • Giving through Kingdom Builders

  • Donating items listed on the church website

  • Write encouraging notes to be added to the bags

  • Help with shopping trips

  • Help pack the bags

  • Pray over the bags and the children/situations represented by them

Can my kids/teens help?

 YES! We encourage families to volunteer together- this can provide teaching moments to foster compassion and understanding in your child or teen.

f you have more questions or want to get involved, email: journeybagsbfa@gmail.com

2023 goal

raised $2,825 of $7,000

As of Oct 8th 2023 We have raised $2825. Our goal for 2023 is $7,000 Each filled journey bag will cost on average $100. We plan to provide enough bags for the remainder of 2023 and the entire year of 2024. We have been asked to provide 50 bags per year.

give to journey bags

Please select Kingdom builders fund and specify what project you would like to give to.